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Friday, August 23, 2013

Young Guns

Hello fellow bloggers and anyone else who stumbles upon my musings. No point in even attempting to excuse my absence this time but I will mention the fact that my little NetBook is sadly running out of juice.

Anyhow, I wanted to post a couple of images detailing a feature I was involved with at IMAGE magazine during my stint as editorial assistant. Young Guns features up and coming talent in Ireland... And did I mention how they're all male? Make sure to have a looksie. Suited and booted, they make a very dapper bunch indeed. Pick up your copy of the September issue, you won't be disappointed!

Excuse the quality of the IPhone images but this sneak peek should act as an incentive to purchase a copy and see the spread in all it's glory.

It's time for me to move on to a new project starting next week, one which I'm very excited about! More news on that soon, until next time my friends x

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